Monday, December 3, 2012

Challenge Day 3

Day 3: 12/3/2012

My View From the Bike in the HOP
After getting home a little after 11pm last night from my weekend out of town, I was a little worried about the 5am alarm.... But I also knew that if I didn't get up, the bike workout would not happen, and I am NOT skipping any workouts this challenge, and certainly not on day 3! Surprisingly I had no issue at all when the alarm went off - hopped right up, got changed, and headed to the House of Pain (HOP, otherwise known as my scary basement). It's been an embarrassingly long time since I've been on my bike, so I first had to deal with flat tires (I need to run out today to get a new bike pump - it gave up the ghost as I was finishing the job) and lubing up the chain. Then, GAME ON!

Post Workout Happy Face!

Today had 17.0 on the schedule ABB II, one of the few Spinervals in the Comp series that I do not own. So I pulled out 25.0 ABB V, which is a 2 hour compilation workout (containing bits of ABB II!) and did 1:20 worth of that workout. It was a slow start - the legs weren't feeling the love initially, and I had forgotten to turn on the floor fan so I was HOT initially which didn't help matters. After the first set (4x5') and realizing the fan was off and fixing that issue, I settled in and felt really, really good for the remainder of the workout. I was even a bit disappointed when I hit the 1:20 mark - I would have liked to keep going! But that's about as long as I can fit in with a 5am wake up, so regardless I had to get off the bike. And tomorrow is our Threshold Test - pain, pain, pain. Adding in extra work today would have been stupid.

When I emerged from the HOP I did my 30 squats and :50 of plank that were on the schedule for the Squat/Plank a Thon to wrap up the morning. We've got a strength/flexibility workout on the schedule today as well, so after dinner tonight I'll get in an UB workout.

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