Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Well, drats...

I haven't run with my running club since Boston, which is a shame as it's a great group and a great deal of fun. But immediately after the marathon, I was in full on triathlon training, which means my workouts were not only very structured (i.e., there was no "easy 6 miler" to map to the group's Wednesday run around Mystic Lake), but also had swimming and biking in the mix, and my running was done on my own for the most part. Anyway, it was decided that since I haven't run with them in such a long time, that I shouldn't be allowed to participate in the BAA number lottery. I'm slightly annoyed (I did pay my yearly dues!), but do understand their point (sort of).

So, it's not looking likely that I'll repeat Boston this year. Perhaps for the best - I'd like to get there on my own (qualify), rather than getting a number handed to me. Maybe this is the kick in the nads I needed to get a qualifying marathon on my athletic pursuits roadmap.

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