Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Super 6: Phase III

Spinervals 39.0: Aerobic Base at 10,000 ft

39.0 Aerobic Base at 10,000ft
You know you are starting to get a bit hardcore when you know the Spinervals titles no longer only by name, but by number. 39.0 is becoming one of my all time favorites. It's an aerobic base builder (ABB) workout, which as a rule, can tend to be a bit boring because you keep your effort at an aerobic level. You don't have the excitement of wondering if you are going to puke or faint from the all-out efforts present in many of the other Spinervals workouts. You aren't deriving pleasure thinking about ways to torture Troy for inflicting whatever pain he's currently inflicting on you, or hurling curse words at him between gasps of breath. It's just .... aerobic riding. Well alrighty then. Yawn.

But this one is really, really fun, and the time somehow FLIES by. I think that's the case because it's fundamentally centered around a 30 minute pyramid set, that somehow feels like it's 5 minutes long. You work your way up the pyramid (1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m) with 30s rests in between, then work your way back down, changing gears/cadence with each step to mix things up a bit. In no time you are on that 5m rep, then you are on the down swing. It really just flies by. By the time that wraps up, you are under the hour mark, and well, that means you are home free and the remaining sets go by lickity split.

The athletes and general chatter in this one are interesting and different as well, as it's located in Leadville, CO, home of the Leadville 100 mountain bike and ultra running races. These people are crazy!!!!!

Definitely a winner and a nice length at 1:25 - over that hour mark, but doable on a weekday before work. Check it out, I think you will like it!

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