Monday, December 10, 2012

Challenge Day 10

Day 10: 12/10/2012

REST DAY!!!!! Well, technically it's a Wild Card day where we do whatever we want for 1 hour. I pick "sleep in" for my activity for the day. Maybe I'm getting old, I don't know, but I need 1 pure rest day a week to do nothing more strenuous than stretching. Some Challenge peeps are putting in some serious yards in the pool or miles on the run, but .... I put some serious "zzzzzzz's" on my pillow and am proud of it. :)

No, this isn't me, just some random sleeping chick on the Internet. I don't look nearly as cute sleeping, with my hair all crazy, and likely the dog half sleeping on my head...... 

See you tomorrow when we are back at it!

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