Sunday, December 2, 2012

Challenge Day 2

Day 2: 12/2/2012

Wildcard Day! Today was an easy day for me - I'm still on the road so my options are somewhat limited and I want to be feeling pretty fresh and loose for the week ahead. Getting back into a rigorous Spinervals routine with additional strength work worked in is going to be a challenge - I can't wait!

Today was 30 minutes on the treadmill for some high incline work (again, thank you Netflix!!!), followed by the daily Squat/Plank-A-Thon Challenge. Today the challenge consisted of 25 squats and 0:40 plank. We are working up to 100 squats and a 3:00 plank - if you aren't already doing the challenge, join in! We have a good group involved, it's easy to do anywhere and takes very little time. Here are the details:

Find me on Facebook (Michelle Sewell Spina) and join in the fun!

Tomorrow is back at home in the House of Pain for 1:20 aerobic work with Aerobic Base Builder II. See you then!!!

1 comment:

bandita said...

So like you to be tackling three challenges at the same time! Nice! I want to be you when I grow up. =)